
Nidia Osorio López
Founding and Managing Partner of the Law firm
International Advisor, Lawyer and Litigator in Intellectual Property and in Employment Law
Languages: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese
Lawyer, Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) 1994, with Master's Degree in Intellectual Property in Universidad de Alicante (Spain) 1998, Diploma in Labor Law in Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) 2006, and Specialization in Labor and Social Security Law in Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), 2017.
She is a national and international consultant for the areas of intellectual property for 30 years, and of employment law for more than 15 years. She represents national and foreign clients in litigation processes in both areas, in Colombia.
Nidia has been appointed as Vice-chair of the Emerging Issues Committee of the International Trademark Association (INTA) for the 2024-2025 term and also as member of the Board of Directors of Asociación Colombiana de Propiedad Intelectual (ACPI) as from the year 2023. She chaired the Embargoes, Sanctions and Treaty Compliance sub-committee at INTA for the 2020-2023 term and she previously chaired the Latin-American Well-Known Trademarks sub-committee at INTA, for the 2018 - 2019 term. Nidia has been ranked as one of the top Industrial Property lawyers in Colombia by different publications since 2011. The most recent recognitions were by Leaders League 2023, Chambers Global 2023 and Chambers Latin America 2023.
Member of INTA (International Trademarks Association), ACPI (Asociación Colombiana de la Propiedad Intelectual), International Bar Association (IBA), Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI), Colegio de Abogados Rosaristas and Colegio de Abogados del Trabajo de Colombia.

Angie Carolina Vivas
Colombian Lawyer
Litigates in Labor Law and Pensions
Postgraduate studies in Procedural Law and in Labor and Social Security Law
Languages: Spanish and English.
Lawyer, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) 2017, with Scholarship for academic excellence during six semesters and one semester of Scholarship at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (México) 2016. She was included as one of the best SABER Pro students (Higher Education Quality Exam in Colombia), in 2017. Diploma in Conciliation in Law, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) 2018. Specialization in Procedural Law in Universidad Libre (Colombia) 2021. Author of the article Terminación del contrato de trabajo frente al fuero de salud. Una aproximación desde la perspectiva del empleador en Colombia (Publication Disputatio – Díalogos entre derecho procesal y derecho sustantivo – Universidad Libre). She is currently specializing in Labor and Social Security Law at Universidad del Rosario (Colombia).
Angie has been working with Nidia Osorio since August 2017, and she currently heads the Labor and Pensions Department of our Law Firm. She is also the legal support for litigation and dispute resolutions. Prior to joining our law firm, she worked at the Criminal, Administrative and Labor Courts in Bogotá in the year 2015 and she previously worked at an important Insurance company in Colombia.
Angie has wide experience in Due Diligences in Employment Law and in Softlandings for Foreign Companies in Colombia.

Alejandro García
Lawyer in the Intellectual Property Area of the Law firm
With Postgraduate studies in Business Law
Language: Spanish and English
Lawyer of Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia) 2022. He was awarded with the one of the Best Tests Saber 11 (2015) and Best Tests SABER Pro (Higher Education Quality Exam in Colombia), in 2020. Diploma in Amicable Composition at the Centro Nacional de Conciliación y Arbitramento (Colombia) 2022; Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms at the Centro Nacional de Conciliación y Arbitramento (Colombia) 2022; Diploma in Conciliation from the Centro Nacional de Conciliación y Arbitramento (Colombia) 2022. He was a member of the research group of the Semillero de Propiedad Intelectual CEDEPI (2019 - 2020); Author of the article "Los Derechos De Autor En El Stand-Up Comedy" (Publication Bulletin 2020-2 - CEDEPI). He is currently specializing in Business Law at the Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Alejandro works at the Intellectual Property area of the firm in IP contracts and copyrights and in complex trademark proceedings.

Pilar González Guzmán
Paralegal for foreign affairs
She worked as paralegal in a Colombian Law firm for 16 years, handling IP matters in Colombia and abroad. She was trained by Germán Cavelier, who help her to develop her skills with responsibility and honesty for a good performance in her personal and professional live.
Pilar assists NIDIA OSORIO & Co. since April 2019, focusing on international matters and she assists in controlling deadlines in litigation matters of the law firm.
Martha Lucía Rincón Estrada
Chemical Engineer Postgraduate
studies in Intellectual Property
Advisor in patent and new
technologies matters
Chemical engineer at Universidad Nacional, with post-graduate studies in Intellectual Property and New Technologies at Universidad Externado. She is a national and international patent expert, with focus in the fields of Industrial Processes, Biochemestry, Chemestry and Pharmacology. Martha is one of our patent engineers, assisting us with international advice, patents, utility models and industrial designs, and with patent searches and Freedom-to-Operate analysis.